Puembo and Antisana Ecological Reserve
After returning from the Galápagos Islands, it was birding at Puembo and Antisana Ecological Reserve, the latter at high altitudes. Moreover, we stayed at the Puembo San Jose Hotel in Quito’s Puembo district, close to the airport. The two-night stopover in Puembo allowed us a full-day tour to Antisana. At the same time, the hotel garden attracted common birds.
Over the three days at San Joe Hotel, we had several opportunities to photograph common birds in the garden. After check-in on day one and the Antisana trip on day two and before lunchtime on day three.
Birds in Puembo San Joe Hotel Garden
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Puembo San Joe Hotel Garden Birds
Features birds at Puembo San Jose Hotel Garden. A male and female black-tailed trainbearer; common ground dove; pallid dove; and tropical kingbird. Several other birds spotted were eared dove, great thrush, rufous-collared sparrow, and ruddy-quail dove.
Antisana Ecological Reserve Tour
On our full-day Antisana tour, photo opportunities included over twenty species of birds and observations of many more.
High-Altitude Birding
Along the Pintag to Laguna de Mica Road, there are several high-altitude birding hot spots. Further, we stopped at some of these both before and after visiting the Antisana Ecological Reserve.
Birds along the Pintag to Laguna de Mica Road
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Pintag to Laguna de Mica Road Birds
Displayed bird images feature at Tambo Condor at Laguna de Secas. Then, along the road to the Pichincha/Napo border.
Our first stop was at the Andean Condor Viewing Platform, located just after the Tambo Condor Restaurant. Next, we made several stops where I photographed: a variable hawk; chestnut-winged cinclodes; an American kestrel; plumbeous Sierra-finch and stout-billed cinclodes. We continued to Laguna de Mica and Antisana Ecological Reserve; see gallery below. On our return journey, I captured images of a tawny antpitta and a sparkling violetear, the latter at Tambo Condor.
Birds and Animals at Laguna de Mica and Antisana
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Laguna de Mica and Antisana, Birds and Animals
We continued towards Laguna de Mica and Antisana, stopping a couple of times. At the first stop, a white-tailed deer. Then at the second, a bird of prey – carunculated caracara. And an Andean ibis.
On reaching Laguna de Mica and the Antisana Ecological Reserve, the weather was cloudy with light rain. Not the best conditions for wildlife photography or viewing the volcano. However, I photographed a juvenile plumbeous Sierra-finch, many-striped canastero, northern silvery grebe and Andean coot in the poor light and rain.
Laguna de Secas and Tambo Condor Restaurant
On our return from Antisana, our final stop was at the Tambo Condor Restaurant for lunch. An appealing place to photograph hummingbirds, Laguna de Secas panorama from Tambo Condor Restaurant in Ecuador and a view from the lodge balcony and the restaurant.
Laguna de Secas
Laguna de Secas from Tambo Condor Restaurant
Laguna de Secas from Tambo Condor Lodge
After lunch, we returned to the hotel in Puembo.
Bibliography – Online Resources
1. Tambo Condor 2021. [Online] Available from Lonely Birder [Accessed 23-Sep-21].